Here's the end result of all those hours spent putting it together and further down I will show all the photos of the build process.
One thing I have to say about the customer service is it wasn't that great, they took a really long time to reply to emails, but they did deliver in the end, so I guess that's what matters. The build quality of the components is pretty good, the instructions to build the printer are online and are mostly easy to follow, however they aren't completely up to date with the components that were sent to me. It wasn't too hard to figure out what to do differently based on the components sent however.
There are a few tools required to build the kit, they hex/allen keys are included. They also included the level which is quite handy. I had to use a couple of pliers a flathead screwdriver, scalpel and scissors as well. Some of the components required soldering as well.
Something I thought was curious is they included a satchel of coffee, to me that was a sign that the hours building this thing would be long and that turned out to be true. It's a nice touch though!
My impressions with the printer so far are good, the resolution is not the best, but it's one of the cheapest 3D printer kits out there so you can't expect too much there.
So here are the assembly photos...
I will try out a few prints and will post my experiences later.