Igor Kromin |   Consultant. Coder. Blogger. Tinkerer. Gamer.

I've been noticing that the SEO Metadata Plugin for FlatPress has been removing quotes and other punctuation characters from the metadata. This makes any blog snippets on social media sites (Facebook, Google Plus, etc) appear unprofessional. The plugin can already preserve these characters, it just needs to be configured.

Want more Flatpress hints? Check out this article - Make FlatPress generate meta tags without the use of the SEO Metatag Info plugin.

There is a readme file in the plugin directory that describes how to configure this, but for the purposes of illustration, the changes are done in the plugin.seometataginfo.php file. There is a line that defines the $keep_char variable. I set mine to this:
$keep_char = ",.'";

Now the metadata will contain the punctuation and single quotes.


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