The error I kept on getting was java.lang.IllegalStateException: Internal error - type definition not found. With verbose output enabled, this is what JiBX CodeGen output...
JiBX Binding Generation
Output to directory generated
Loaded and validated 1 specified schema(s) and 6 referenced schema(s):
top-level schema CDA-AU-V1_0.xsd
referenced schema POCD_MT000040-AU-V1_0.xsd
referenced schema datatypes-V3_0.xsd
referenced schema datatypes-base-V3_0.xsd
referenced schema voc-V3_0.xsd
referenced schema NarrativeBlock.xsd
referenced schema EXTENSION.xsd
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Internal error - type definition not found
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.ComponentExtension.replaceAndReference(
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.ComponentExtension.applyAndCountUsage(
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.ComponentExtension.applyAndCountUsage(
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.CodeGen.processExtensions(
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.CodeGen.applyAndNormalize(
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.CodeGen.generate(
at org.jibx.schema.codegen.CodeGen.main(
After some research, I found a post that pretty much described the issue that I was seeing. Unfortunately I could not find any ways around this without having to spend a significant effort to modify the schema.
Expanding on the post I found, this is what the schema layout looks like (arrows show import or include). I created this image using twopi and dotty tools from Graph Viz.

The circular dependencies are quite clear.
The only schema that I could successfully generate bindings for was NarrativeBlock.xsd, this is because it's a leaf node in the overall schema layout without any other includes/imports. Every single other XSD failed with the same exception.
It's a shame that JiBX can't handle this kind of schema layout, but then the HL7/CDA schema is not the best example of good schema design either.