Igor Kromin |   Consultant. Coder. Blogger. Tinkerer. Gamer.

They've been rumoured for a long time and today they've finally arrived. The new Facebook like emoticons are here on mobile and desktop Facebook. Personally I think this is a great addition. Instead of a single like option you can now 'like', 'love', 'haha', 'wow', 'sad' or 'angry'. Even though those don't work well as verbs they do get the point across!

On the mobile version you have to hold down the like button to get a popup of the other emotes. Once one of the new emotes is selected it's shown alongside the like counter, have a look at the screenshots below.

fblike1.png fblike2.png

On the desktop version you simply hover over the like button to access the other emoticons!

So there you go, go forth and start using these new emotes and don't forget to 'love' this article too!


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