Update (28 August 2017) - I finally received a notice in the mail informing me of this change. That is 24 days after it happened!
Now when you log into your portfolio in Computer Share, you're presented with a warning message stating - "You have no accounts in your portfolio. If you have another account / holding, please go through the registration process to register that account." You're then given an only option to log out.
This gave me quite a scare over the weekend! I called up Computer Share and they informed me that all the holdings have been moved on Friday the 4th of August!
I tried to follow up with Woolworths on Twitter. They didn't reply for a whole day so I gave them a nudge and finally got this response - "Shareholders who have provided an email address will receive notification today of the change. All others will be posted a letter today. :)"

So that's almost a week after the change was made! You would think for something like this, a prior notice would have been given.
So to access your holdings you will need an SRN to prove your ownership. Then, you can register for a new account over at Link Market Services. All the past transactions, any reinvestment plans, dividend advise, etc is there.
Good luck!