Current logged in user [email protected] is not authorized to view this page.
In the DevServer, the error originates in the appengine/tools/devappserver2/ file at around line 143. I'm having a guess here, but the production server is most likely very similar, at least the error is.
elif admin_only and not admin:
logging.debug('admin required, user unauthorized')
start_response('401 Not authorized', [('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')])
return ['Current logged in user %s is not '
'authorized to view this page.'
% email_addr]
Looking at the code confirmed it for me - there is no way of handling this scenario. However I did come up with a kind of a workaround...the workaround is to add a handler for the /logout URL on your app like this...
- url: /logout
script: logout.php
secure: always
redirect_http_response_code: 301
The code for logout.php is then something like this...
use google\appengine\api\users\UserService;
$user = UserService::getCurrentUser();
if (isset($user)) {
echo 'Logged in as ' . $user->getEmail() . (UserService::isCurrentUserAdmin() ? ' (admin)' : '') . '.<br/><a href="' . UserService::createLogoutUrl('/') . '">Log Out</a>';
else {
echo 'Not logged in.';
This code checks if a user is logged in and displays the email address and whether it's an admin user or not. It then also displays a link to the logout URL. Simple.
Logged in as [email protected] (admin).
Log Out
Although the workaround doesn't help handle the error, it does allow to easily log out as a non-admin user and login as an admin user to access a restricted page.